About Us
The Pegasus Family: Onwards & Upwards
Our trust was created to ensure schools sharing a #childrenfirst ethos can work together to do more for all children, staff and communities.
The name stems from its founder member Priestmead. Priestmead's logo is Pegasus, so the trust name developed into The Pegasus Partnership Trust.
“PEGASUS” indicates an ONWARDS AND UPWARDS ethos; “PARTNERSHIP” ensures it is never about any school being better than another, but a togetherness where we can develop, share, grow and achieve more for our children.
Across our trust and academies, we are surrounded by brilliant people and teams who share our ambition to be the best for the children we serve.
Our trust is not like any other trust. Together, we are a part of something bigger.
Every decision, every staff appointment, and every policy change focuses on how this will make a difference to the children across our communities.
We believe in the power of collaboration and sharing of great practice.
Our children have one opportunity to be at primary school, so we work together to make it the most experiential, inspiring and challenging opportunity to set them off on the next stage of their education.
All our academies are good or outstanding (OFSTED 2023).
We offer:
- Strong executive leadership experience and professional, highly skilled trustees and local stakeholder group associates
- A highly effective central and executive team focusing on finance, HR, GDPR and estates compliance, staff talent spotting & career development, and centralised admin and communications systems
- Centralised and bespoke CPD programmes for all staff within their academy, across the trust and online
- Inspiring knowledge-rich curriculums relevant to the local community, history and the children and families within the academy
- Collaboration to support and challenge, but a commitment to each academy retaining its own identity
- Financial savings through best-value procurement, successful audit compliance and internal scrutiny
- A full trust partnership or associate member partnership
What are our strengths?
- Leadership, governance, mentoring and coaching
- Centralised services for finance, payroll, HR, health and safety, GDPR, IT, governance professional compliance, admin and communications
- Curriculum collaboration, innovation, development and support
- Professional development and investment in staff
- A genuine commitment to Children First
The Pegasus Partnership Trust…onwards and upwards.
Interested in finding out more...
If you would like to know more about how your school can join our partnership, fill in your details below and we will come back to you via email, ZOOM, TEAMS, phone call or in-person at your school or at our Trust offices - let us know your preference. We are looking forward to exploring the opportunities ahead!